Call for Papers: PSG VII at EGPA 2024
Making Ethics and Integrity Work
The EGPA Annual Conference 2024 is taking place from 3-6 September 2024 in Athens, Greece.
Dowload a pdf version of this call for papers here.
Public ethics and integrity eventually come down to one key challenge: how are we to make ethics and integrity work? It is difficult to agree on what ethical conduct might look like in any given situation; or what public or political integrity requires; or how conflicting interests ought to be negotiated. Even if we could agree on these things however, we could not rest: a consensus on norms must be translated into a pattern of work. Further to that, those patterns of work can have a recursive impact on our understanding of norms.
This interplay of institutional structure and normative work is a central facet of modern organising. As such we invite papers that focus on questions around this space, such as:
- What happens when normative ‘knowledge’ is codified and translated into organisational or institutional procedure?
- How are ethics and anti-corruption efforts embedded in everyday routines, practice and language of public and political office holders? And how does that affect the decisions and behaviours of those in public office?
- What role do value conflicts have in administrative and political work? Can and/or should such conflicts be eradicated, managed, or dealt with in other ways, and how?
- How must ethics scholarship respond when conflict arises between equal recognition norms and demands of administrative neutrality?
- How do freedom of speech and moral responsibility relate to the institutional roles and responsibilities of civil servants, e.g. when they become involved in climate activism?
- What do individual and collective moral craftsmanship in the public and political domain look like?
- How do ethical principles and performance metrics interact?
- Can ethics and integrity draw useful distinctions between ‘first order’ (e.g. anti-corruption) and ‘second-order’ (e.g. transparency) initiatives?
Format and Ethos
PSG VII invites submissions in both traditional and more flexible formats:
- Traditional long-form scholarly papers. We envisage brief presentations of up to 15 minutes followed by substantial time for feedback, reflection and discussion of each paper. To this end, we reserve up to one hour per paper and assign discussants to all papers.
- Works in progress and early ideas from postgraduate researchers, early career and established scholars (early thesis ideas; book proposals; project plans). These may be aimed at hour-long ‘incubator’ sessions where ideas can be workshopped and shared for further development.
- Proposals for project showcases, ‘keynotes’ and thematic sessions that highlight innovations in the study of ethics and integrity. These may include multiple papers from the same project or project groups, seminars on close themes or similar.
Our aim is to drive forward the study of ethics and integrity in the public domain more generally by supporting both traditional and innovative approaches to the workshop format, all in a supportive and collegiate environment.
Submitted abstracts should be no longer than 500 words
Important dates
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 15, 2024 -Deadline for notification to the authors: May 30, 2024
- Deadline for online submission of full papers: August 13, 2024
- EGPA PhD Symposium 3-4 September 2024
- EGPA 2024 Conference: 4-6 September 2024