EGPA 2025, Glasgow

Making Ethics and Integrity Work

The orginal call for papers for PSG VII at EGPA 2025 is here and a pdf version of the call is here.

PSG VII Schedule

We were excited to host 21 very interesting papers at The EGPA Annual Conference 2024 hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences from 3-6 September 2024 in Athens, Greece.

The Permanent Study Group on Ethics and Integrity draft schedule (as of August 20 2024) is as follows:

Wednesday 4 September

Session B 2024-09-04 14:00-16:00: Crafting 1. Chair: Ciarán O’Kelly
Authors Title
Brouwer et al Frontline value crafting: explaining health care professionals’ micro-creation of public value and sector commitment
Heres et al Towards morally resilient government: A consortium research proposal
Kerkhoff et al Versatile Craftsmanship for a Turbulent World: A survey study into the content

Session C 2024-09-04 16:30-18:30: Media and Whistleblowing. Chair: Leonie Heres
Authors Title
Naszada et al How do governments signal their trustworthiness to potential whistleblowers on their websites? Framework and empirical illustration
Niskanen et al Does the Media Problematise Conflicts of Interest in Sustainability Transition Policies? Media Reporting of Politicians’ Conflicts of Interest in Sustainability-related policies in Finland
Zamaro et al Mapping out public employees attitudes toward whistleblowing. Personal, Organizational, and Situational Factors Compared

Thursday 5 September

Session D 2024-09-05 08:30-10:30: Public Value Chair: Leonie Heres
Authors Title
Kucinskas Situated Loyalties and Rare Acts of Moral Courage Among Federal Civil Servants under the Trump Administration
Larat The Transgression Of Red Lines In Public Administrations As Violations Of Public Ethics And Integrity
O’Kelly and Hackett Process and Promise in Administering Human Rights
Yang and Wei To be or ought to be: a mix-methods study into public values preferences of junior civil servants in China

Session E 2024-09-05 14:00-16:00: Crafting 2. Chair: Ciarán O’Kelly
Authors Title
Masatoshi and O’Connor What constitutes an ethical dilemma for Street-Level Bureaucrat? Via: a comparison between police officers and private security officers
Koopman et al Moral decision-making and behaviour in the political office: a systematic literature review
Middelkamp Two of a kind. How to explain differences in ethical norms between public officeholders and civil servants
Van Der Wal et al Exhibiting Ethical Leadership and Practical Wisdom

Session F 2024-09-05 16:15-18:15: Integrity. Chair: Leonie Heres
Authors Title
Coen and Katsaitis Lobbying Registers and Integrity: A Typology and Comparative Assessment of Lobbying Registers Across the World
De Waele Unveiling Shadows: The Influence of Dark Triad Traits on Integrity Dynamics in Public Sector Employees
Grin and Cavalcante How Auditors and Policy Managers assess their relationship to ensure integrity in Public Organizations: control vs. collaboration?
Huberts What helps to protect and promote integrity and to prevent integrity violations?

Friday 6 September

Session H 2024-09-06 10:45-12:15: Corruption 2. Chair: Ciarán O’Kelly
Authors Title
Bratu Algorithmic corruption: Political reconfiguration of public-private relationships
Ćwiklicki et al Mitigating corruption by digitalization: Controlled visibility through the digital prism
de Oliveira Júnior and Caeiro Political-Institutional Dynamics of Public Integrity: the study of the Brazilian case