Madrid 2007

Fifth workshop of the EGPA Study Group on ETHICS AND INTEGRITY OF GOVERNANCE

Research methods in corruption and integrity”, Madrid, Spain, 19th-21st September.

Madrid Delegates

The fifth workshop of the EGPA-ethics Study Group was hosted at the EGPA-conference at Madrid. The workshop contained sessions on:

  • The state of the art of global ethics: are we doing better, are we studying better?
  • Corruption causes and remedies. Ethics researchers have always been interested in what is really going wrong in public administration, with corruption as a central concept.
  • Ethics management: complexity and effectiveness.The number of instruments and policies that have been developed to promote integrity and ethics and to curb corruption are manifold. A number of questions were discussed in this session, focusing on the question ‘what works?’.
  • Ethics management in transitional and developing countries. A number of papers address, also in a comparative sense, what is happening in transitional countries in Eastern Europe. The results were discussed and related to experiences elsewhere (in particular South Africa).
  • Normative and philosophical reflection. A number of papers focus on the origin and content of (central) concepts and the consequences of this type of reflection for the (possibility of) national and global ethics.
  • Methods and methodology of research. The Study Group specifically invited participants to present proposals on methods and methodology.
  • Changing public values: origins and consequences.Values have been and will continue to be a central topic of ethics and integrity researchers. This time we focused on the dynamics of values in the public service. Are they changing, what contributes to changes, does every new generation of public servants bring in new values?

Below you can download some of the presented papers.