Rotterdam 2008
Sixth workshop of the EGPA Study Group on ETHICS AND INTEGRITY OF GOVERNANCE
The sixth workshop of the EGPA-ethics Study Group was hosted at the EGPA-conference at Rotterdam.
Below you can download some of the presented papers.
- J. Delnoij (The Netherlands) The DADA concept - Implementing integrity programmes, Conditions to make it work on individual level through interdisciplinary cooperation
- R. Erakovich (US) and E. Kolthoff (The Netherlands) Comparative Analysis of Ethical Leadership and Integrity Development in Local Government. US Netherlands Ukraine Montenegro and Serbia
- T.B. Jorgensen and K. Vrangbaek (Denmark) Value Dynamics Structuring the Field
- A. Juntunen and E. Kayhko (Finland) Police Corruption Ethics and Values of Police and Respondents A study based on a Citizen Survey in Finland (updated: 3 September 2008)
- K. Lasthuizen (The Netherlands) Leading to Integrity Empiricical Research into the Effects of Leadership on Ethics and Integrity
- A. Lawton and M. Macauly (UK) Mapping a regulatory life cycle a case study of the Standards Board for England
- A. Mills (Australia) Applying the Enforcement Pyramid to Organisational Corruption Prevention
- P. Monfardini (Italy) and P. von Maravic (Germany) A Tale of Trojan Horses
- C. Rochet (France) The Common Good as an Invisible Hand Machialvelli’s legacy to Public Management
- A. Salminen and R. Ikola-Norrbacka (Finland) Trust and integrity violations in Finnish public administration A citizen-based survey analysis
- M.L. Seguiti (Italy) Public Personnel Reform in Italy and Its Implications for Corruption a Comparison with France
- F. Six M, van Tankeren and L Huberts (The Netherlands) What works in ethics and integrity management
- W. Webb (South Africa) The significance of triangulation in measuring corruption some general reflections
Additional papers of interest:
- C. Apaza and Y. Chang (US) The Impact of External Whistleblowers on Uncovering Corruption A Comparative Study
- M. Dimitriu (Romania) Innovation Public Sector The ethical policies and ethical counselor - a challenge or a demand
- G. Vande Walle (Belgium) Corruption in a Continuum of State-Corporate Conflicts of Interest