Malta 2009
Seventh workshop of the EGPA Study Group on ETHICS AND INTEGRITY OF GOVERNANCE
The seventh workshop of the EGPA-ethics Study Group was hosted at the EGPA-conference at Malta.
For the Malta meeting in September 2009, the study group invited papers for two tracks:
Particularly, the papers of the seventh workshop of the study group Ethics and integrity subjected the following themes:
- What is the state of the art of our knowledge on ethics and integrity, nationally as well as internationally?
- What really works in ethics management (training, codes, communication, strong enforcement,…): what helps organizations to improve the ethics and integrity of their staff and their organization as such? And which institutions have proven to be effective in curbing corruption and other integrity violations, while also positively increasing integrity?
- What are the big questions for (future) research as well as policy developments on administrative ethics in Europe and is a common agenda thinkable for the ‘western’ and the ‘transitional’ European countries?
- What are the central values of governance in today’s society, what differences do exist between the values of governance in the public and private sector (including civil society) and what changes in ethics and integrity (including values) have resulted from developments like e.g. New Public Management and Corporate Social Responsibility?
- What is ethical leadership and what role does or can it play in specific circumstances (like, for example, times of natural and man-made disasters)?
- How to achieve desirable levels and types of accountability and responsibility in the public sector?
This session could address both general questions on ethics of academic research and specific questions on the ethics of research in ethics and integrity of governance:
- How ethical are academics in research and teaching, what types of integrity violations do occur, what instruments and institutions are used to protect academic integrity and what works?
- What are the standards that apply to empirical research on organisational ethics and what are the dilemmas we face when applying those standards during our research?
Below you can download some of the presented papers:
- Becker, M. & B. Tholen. ‘Virtue Ethics in Plurality. An assessment of the relevance of virtue ethics for Public Administration’
- Fouchet, R. & O. Keramidas. ‘Organizational morality: the ecosystem of public utilities’
- van Hulten, M. ‘How ethical is science that knowingly ignores the truth?’
- Jørgensen, T.B., K. Vrangbæk & D-L. Sørensen ‘The historical development of values in Danish administrative reform’
- Kerkhof, T. ‘Gin, Cloth, Salted Meat and Abuse of Office: Ethics in the Dutch Batavian Republic in 1798’
- Kotchegura, A. ‘Preventing corruption risk in Legislation: Experience and lessons from Russia, Moldava and Kazakhstan’
- Lawton, A., M. Macaulay & J. Palidauskaite ‘Towards a comparative methodology for public service ethics’
- Matei, A. ‘State capture versus administrative corruption. A comparative study for the public health service in Romania’
- Matei, O. ‘Political culture and public administration in Arad-Romania’
- Morgan, K., R. Cowell & J. Downe ‘Civilising politics? The impacts of the ethical framework for local government in England’
- Plibersek, R. & A. Mills ‘Is monitoring implementation the key to preventing repeated workplace corruption’?
- Rochet, C. ‘Public Management and the common good: Euro-Atlantic convergences’
- Schmidt-Pfister, D. ‘Governing Ethics and Integrity in the University Sector. From internal to international affairs?’
- Wyser, C. ‘Ethical climates in public administration’