Belfast 2019
Sixteenth workshop of the EGPA Study Group on ETHICS AND INTEGRITY OF GOVERNANCE
- DE GRAAF, Gjalt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands): Value Conflicts in Academic Teaching
- HAUG, Are Vegard (Oslo Metropolitcan University, Norway): Ethics and leadership in public organisations
- KERKHOFF, Toon (Leiden University, Netherlands): The Fluidity of Integrity and its Consequences for Debate and Management
- KÄYHKÖ, Esa (Ministry of the Interior, Finland): Promoting ethical leadership and good governance in public administration: Experiences from Finland
- MACAULAY, Michael James (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and NEWMAN, Christopher James (Northumbria University, UK): Soft Law, Hard Choices: How Will we Govern Space?
- MACAULAY, Michael James and BUCKMASTER, Carrie (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand): Patterns of police reform? A comparative analysis
- O’KELLY, Ciaran (Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland): Corporate Governance and Resentment
- SAARNIIT, Leno and SARAPUU, Külli (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia): Small states and corruption: critical literature review and a framework for further research
- SEDLACKO, Michal et al. (Institut für Höhere Studien, Austria): Articulating public values: Training public auditors of supreme audit institutions
- SIMONATI, Anna (University of Trento): Urban regeneration and securty policies: between public duties and cooperation by the citizens
- TSIOULOU, Vasiliki Georgios (Panteion University of Athens, Greece): Dealing with integrity in public administration education;
- TSIOULOU, Vasiliki Georgios (Panteion University of Athens, Greece): Non-disclosure of integrity violations
- YU, Wenxuan (Xiamen University, China): Transparency and Authoritarian Resilience in China