Athens 2024
The Study Group met in Athens in September 2024. The original schedule is here.
Speakers were:
- Roxana Bratu: Algorithmic corruption: Political reconfiguration of public-private relationships
- Brouwer et al: Frontline value crafting: explaining health care professionals’ micro-creation of public value and sector commitment
- David Coen & Katsaitis, Alexandros: Lobbying Registers and Integrity: A Typology and Comparative Assessment of Lobbying Registers Across the World
- Marek Ćwiklicki, Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek, Katarzyna; Dudau, Adina; & Kominis, Georgios: Mitigating corruption by digitalization: Controlled visibility through the digital prism
- Temístocles Murilo de Oliveira Júnior & Caeiro, Joaquim Croca: Political-Institutional Dynamics of Public Integrity: the study of the Brazilian case
- Lode De Waele; Sanabria, Pablo; & Basna, Kristyna: Unveiling Shadows: The Influence of Dark Triad Traits on Integrity Dynamics in Public Sector Employees
- Eduardo José Grin & Cavalcante, Pedro Luiz: How Auditors and Policy Managers assess their relationship to ensure integrity in Public Organizations: control vs. collaboration?
- Leonie Heres, Karsten, Niels & Kerkhoff, Toon: Towards morally resilient government: A consortium research proposal
- Leo Huberts: What helps to protect and promote integrity and to prevent integrity violations?
- Toon Kerkhoff; Van Der Wal, Zeger; Brekelmans, Emma; & Van Ginkel, Willianne: Versatile Craftsmanship for a Turbulent World: A survey study into the content
- Manon Koopman; Migchelbrink, Koen; & Heres, Leonie: Moral decision-making and behaviour in the political office: a systematic literature review
- Jaime Kucinskas: Situated Loyalties and Rare Acts of Moral Courage Among Federal Civil Servants under the Trump Administration
- Fabrice Larat: The Transgression Of Red Lines In Public Administrations As Violations Of Public Ethics And Integrity
- Minowa Masatoshi & O’Connor, Karl: What constitutes an ethical dilemma for Street-Level Bureaucrat? Via: a comparison between police officers and private security officers
- Ina Middelkamp: Two of a kind. How to explain differences in ethical norms between public officeholders and civil servants
- Michaela Naszada; Polzer, Tobias; Krause, Tobias Alexander; & Öner-Kula, Selin: How do governments signal their trustworthiness to potential whistleblowers on their websites? Framework and empirical illustration
- Ville-Pekka Niskanen; Autioniemi, Jari & Uusikylä, Petri: Does the Media Problematise Conflicts of Interest in Sustainability Transition Policies? Media Reporting of Politicians’ Conflicts of Interest in Sustainability-related policies in Finland
- Ciarán O’Kelly and Ciara Hackett: Process and Promise in Administering Human Rights
- Rogier Van Der Wal; Arets, Danielle; Slingerland, Willeke; & Engels, Josephine: Exhibiting Ethical Leadership and Practical Wisdom
- Lijing Yang & Wei, Shu: To be or ought to be: a mix-methods study into public values preferences of junior civil servants in China
- Nereo Zamaro; Donini, Valentina M. & Lostorto, Valentina: Mapping out public employees attitudes toward whistleblowing. Personal, Organizational, and Situational Factors Compared